Assembly Instructions Overview
This printer had bean a long time in the making.
We strive to make the Kossel Pro and the OpenBeam Kossel Reprap to be as straightforward and easy to build as possible. All our cables pre-crimped with polarity keyed locking connectors, and use laser cut spacers to assist with loading the nuts into the proper position.
The instructions below are given specifically for the Kossel Pro machine. The Reprap branch follows the same build sequence.
- For Kossel Pro kits with kit # ZT-KIT-00255, the ball joints are already pre-glued on a machined fixture for you. These ball joints are in a box labelled Kossel Common Core Component Kit. Earlier kits can follow the instructions for gluing the ball joints.
- Loctite 410 requires 24 hours to achieve full strength. (It also stains everything it touches black, so builders are advised to cover up their build surfaces with newspaper / parchment paper and wear gloves when handling Loctite 410). We have broken out the parts that require gluing in this guide here, and it is recommended that you glue these parts first and then set them aside.
- Linear Drive Tower subassembly requires borrowing the upper machined vertex from the Upper Triangle sub assembly for spacing the end stop holders. You should do this next.
- ** Prepare Ball Rail Carriage for Swing Arm Mount
- Build the rest of these subassemblies. These go pretty fast; they shouldn't take longer than an hour each.
- Next up is mechanical systems integration, wiring up the printer.
- Mechanical Systems Integration
- Wiring
- Finally, we are ready to power up our creation, perform a subsystem by subsystem check, and go through calibration procedures.
- Accuracy Tuning and modifications - While the Kossel Pro is a fairly capable printer out of the box, we've found that the following modifications and improvements greatly improves the machine.
- Shimming
- Badge Lanyard Mod
- Firmware Tuning - PID Tuning
- Firmware Tuning - Z-Probe Offset Tuning
- Firmware Tuning - Extruder Steps Per mm
- Strain Relief for USB Connection
- MicroSD Card Reader Extension
- OctoPrint Installation
- Slicer Profiles and first print
- First Print
- KissSlicer
- Slic3r
- MatterControl
Software/Firmware Installation and Upgrading
Additional photos and older instructions are available on OneDrive.
Change Log
Kossel Pro V1.1:
- The current kit shipping configuration is ZT-KIT-00255, Kossel Pro V1.1. These kits now ship with fully assembled ball joint arms; we glue these on a machined aluminum fixture for better accuracy and eliminate one of the support variables for users getting good prints.
- Kits now ship with a K-Head instead of a J-Head. This allows the use of higher temperature filament and makes the thermistor end user serviceable.